
How To Create A Shared Calendar In Outlook 2007

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  • Exchange Server 2013
  • Outlook 2007 and 2013 clients
  • User sharing calendar with another user

Should be simple imo.  Right click the calendar > Share > Share Calendar > Pick a user to send it to and send it on its way.  This is made slightly more difficult because this is shared from Oulook 2013 to 2007 so you have to manually add the connection.

Simple enough...

On the 2007 client open the calendar and select open other users calendar > click names and find the user you are sharing the calendar of and done calendar shows up right?

No it shows up and appears to connect but there are no events on the calendar its completely blank.  No errors just blank.

So to troubleshoot lets try OWA.  Log into OWA open the calendar and sure enough blank there as well.  But just for giggles lets remove it and re-add it through OWA.  So removed the shared calendar, go back to the share email and click add calendar.  Bam shows up in OWA without issue all events are there in all of their glory.

So hey lets go back to outlook and restart it maybe it will show now.  Nope.. big bucket of nope straight up blank.

Thoughts/help on this?

CheesyBread This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 26, 2016 at 18:36 UTC

I finally stumbled on this thread here 

The final solution is the user has to have at least "Reviewer" permission level else nothing shows up.  Not sure why it works in OWA but not in outlook possible exchange 2013 or outlook bug?  Anyway its fixed now.

7 Replies

Brianinca This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 26, 2016 at 18:19 UTC

If you're sharing sub-calendars between users, what happens when the user with the calendars leaves/retires/separates? Do you leave the mailbox in place indefinitely? I encourage users to use Public Folders for team calendars.

And yes, I've had people have problems with Outlook 2013, when they come to me I explain the Public Folders solution.

Da_Schmoo This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 26, 2016 at 18:22 UTC

If you are using cached mode, try disabling cached mode for shared calendars.  Fixes all kinds of weirdness with shared calendars for me.

However, OWA not showing the information makes it seem like a permissions issue.

CheesyBread This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 26, 2016 at 18:22 UTC

Brianinca wrote:

If you're sharing sub-calendars between users, what happens when the user with the calendars leaves/retires/separates? Do you leave the mailbox in place indefinitely? I encourage users to use Public Folders for team calendars.

And yes, I've had people have problems with Outlook 2013, when they come to me I explain the Public Folders solution.

Yes we have public folders for things that need multiple users to access such as departmental calender's.  This is a manager that needs an employee to be able to help him monitor/schedule events.  I'd rather not have to do a public folder for this instance.

CheesyBread This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 26, 2016 at 18:36 UTC

I finally stumbled on this thread here 

The final solution is the user has to have at least "Reviewer" permission level else nothing shows up.  Not sure why it works in OWA but not in outlook possible exchange 2013 or outlook bug?  Anyway its fixed now.


Finally there's a question for a random scenario that I have direct, first person experience with, and you solve it before I can help!

But yes, you found the solution. Outlook 2007 sucks at communicating with Exchange 2013, and you have to manually set reviewer permissions. It works in OWA because it's a client issue, not a server issue.

CheesyBread This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 26, 2016 at 20:24 UTC

Spidy_ wrote:

Finally there's a question for a random scenario that I have direct, first person experience with, and you solve it before I can help!

But yes, you found the solution. Outlook 2007 sucks at communicating with Exchange 2013, and you have to manually set reviewer permissions. It works in OWA because it's a client issue, not a server issue.

lol thanks for the reply though.  I don't usually post and forget about it.  I post and keep digging.

I'm not 100% convinced it is a client issue.  It didn't work in OWA unless the share was removed and re-added while in OWA.  It also didn't work when using outlook 2013 to outlook 2013.  Very odd imo but at least there was some type of solution.

Marlene4377 This person is a Verified Professional
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Aug 26, 2016 at 16:01 UTC

Brandon6230 wrote:

I finally stumbled on this thread here

The final solution is the user has to have at least "Reviewer" permission level else nothing shows up.  Not sure why it works in OWA but not in outlook possible exchange 2013 or outlook bug?  Anyway its fixed now.

I just ran into this today.  Only 1 person still has Outlook 2007, the others have 2013 and 2016 and we have Exchange 2010 but it still is the solution.  I spent a couple of hours looking at sharing policies, permissions, etc.  before I came across your answer.  Thanks so much!

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How To Create A Shared Calendar In Outlook 2007


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