How To Create Dynamic Menu And Submenu In Mvc 5
There are many approaches to Generate Dynamic Navigation Menus in ASP.NET MVC Applications, in this post i will discuss one approach using ViewModels and Partial Views which I use in my Applications.
First I'll create a Hard coded Navigation then replace it with based on ViewModel.
Lets say we want to create a menu like this.
Suppose you have a layout file _Layout.cshtml
<body> <!--- Sidemenu --> <div id="sidebar-menu"> <ul> <li> <a href="#">Dashboard</a> </li> <li class="has_sub"> <a href="#">Application Setup</a> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li><a href="#">User Manager</a></li> <li><a href="#">Manage User</a></li> <li><a href="#">Change Password</a></li> <li><a href="#">Logoff</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- Sidebar --> @RenderBody() </body>
Extract the Navigation out of this layout file in a Partial View _Navigation.cshtml
<!--- Sidemenu --> <div id="sidebar-menu"> <ul> <li> <a href="#">Dashboard</a> </li> <li class="has_sub"> <a href="#">Application Setup</a> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li><a href="#">User Manager</a></li> <li><a href="#">Manage User</a></li> <li><a href="#">Change Password</a></li> <li><a href="#">Logoff</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- Sidebar -->
Create a new Controller, call it NavigationController. Create an Action for Navigation Menu
public ActionResult Menu() { return PartialView("_Navigation"); }
Now call this Partial View in _Layout.cshtml
<body> @Html.Action("Menu", "Navigation") @RenderBody() </body>
Navigation is decoupled from Layout and has it own Partial View. Now I'll create a Model (ViewModel) to make Dynamic Navigation.
Create a ViewModel MenuViewModel.cs
public class MenuViewModel { public int MenuID { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Action { get; set; } public string Controller { get; set; } public bool IsAction { get; set; } public string Link { get; set; } public string Class { get; set; } public ListSubMenu { get; set; } }
Modify NavigationController to include Model. Right now it is hard coded but you can easily fill it from the Database.
public ActionResult Menu() { ListmenuViewModel = new List (); MenuViewModel menu = new MenuViewModel() { MenuID = 1, Action = "Index", Controller = "Dashboard", IsAction = true, Class = "class", SubMenu = null, Title = "Dashboard" }; menuViewModel.Add(menu); menu = new MenuViewModel() { MenuID = 2, IsAction = false, Class = "class", Link = "javascript:void(0);", Title = "Application Setup" }; menu.SubMenu = new List (); MenuViewModel subMenu = new MenuViewModel() { Action = "Register", Controller = "Account", IsAction = true, Class = "", SubMenu = null, Title = "User Manager" }; menu.SubMenu.Add(subMenu); subMenu = new MenuViewModel() { Action = "Index", Controller = "Manage", IsAction = true, Class = "", SubMenu = null, Title = "Manage" }; menu.SubMenu.Add(subMenu); subMenu = new MenuViewModel() { Action = "ChangePassword", Controller = "Manage", IsAction = true, Class = "", SubMenu = null, Title = "Change Password" }; menu.SubMenu.Add(subMenu); subMenu = new MenuViewModel() { IsAction = false, Link = "javascript:document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit()", Class = "", SubMenu = null, Title = "Logoff" }; menu.SubMenu.Add(subMenu); menuViewModel.Add(menu); return PartialView("_ThemeMenuPartial", menuViewModel); }
Modify Partial View _Navigation.cshtml to dynamically create Navigation using MenuViewModel.
@model IEnumerable<MenuViewModel> <!--- Sidemenu --> <div id="sidebar-menu"> <ul> @foreach (MenuViewModel menu in Model) { if (menu.SubMenu != null) { <li class="has_sub"> @if (menu.IsAction) { <a href="@Url.Action(menu.Action, menu.Controller)" class="@menu.Class"> @Html.Raw(menu.Title)</a> } else { <a href="@Html.Raw(menu.Link)" class="@menu.Class"> @Html.Raw(menu.Title)</a> } <ul class="list-unstyled"> @foreach (MenuViewModel subMenu in menu.SubMenu) { if (subMenu.IsAction) { <li><a href="@Url.Action(subMenu.Action, subMenu.Controller)">@subMenu.Title</a></li> } else { <li><a href="@Html.Raw(subMenu.Link)"> @Html.Raw(subMenu.Title)</a></li> } } </ul> </li> } else { if (menu.IsAction) { <li><a href="@Url.Action(menu.Action, menu.Controller)" class="@menu.Class"> @Html.Raw(menu.Title)</a></li> } else { <li><a href="@Html.Raw(menu.Link)" class="@menu.Class"> @Html.Raw(menu.Title)</a></li> } } } </ul> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <!-- Sidebar -->
So you have Dynamic Navigation now based on ViewModel.
How To Create Dynamic Menu And Submenu In Mvc 5
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